
The Cask Of Amontillado Irony

The Cask of Amontillado - Illustrating Verbal Irony

Activity Overview

One of the virtually taught literary terms is irony. In both fiction and in life, irony is all around. Common types of irony are: verbal, situational, and dramatic. Information technology is disquisitional that students distinguish betwixt each type as they read. Asking students to create storyboards that depict each type of irony makes teaching these elements a breeze.

Poe is a master of using irony in his piece of work, and ofttimes just one type at a time. Students will enjoy identifying the use of irony in "The Cask of Amontillado.

Verbal Irony

"I shall not dice of a cough"

A prime example of verbal irony in "The Cask of Amontillado" is when an unsuspecting Fortunato is being led to his expiry by his former associate, Montresor. As Montresor lures him into the catacombs, he questions Fortunato near his well-being. Montresor notices Fortunato has a coughing, which is growing more than severe the farther down the catacombs they travel. He asks if Fortunato would like to turn back. Fortunato replies, "I shall not dice of a cough." Montresor knowingly replies, "True – truthful." The audition finds out at the cease that this was in fact apply of verbal irony. Montresor appeared to hateful that the cough was harmless, but what he was also saying was that he planned to impale Fortunato.

Student Instructions

Create a storyboard depicting the types of irony used in "The Cask of Amontillado."

  1. Use the template provided by your teacher.
  2. Identify the types of irony used.
  3. Describe the definition of the type of irony.
  4. Illustrate the set up, the dialogue, and the reveal of the irony using important .
1x3 Grid Template

Lesson Program Reference

Common Core Standards

  • [ELA-Literacy/L/9-10/three] Employ noesis of language to empathise how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to embrace more fully when reading or listening
  • [ELA-Literacy/L/ix-10/5] Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings
  • [ELA-Literacy/Fifty/9-ten/6] Acquire and utilise accurately full general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase of import to comprehension or expression

25 Points
21 Points
17 Points
Endeavor Again
thirteen Points

3 Types of Irony:

  • Dramatic
  • Exact
  • Situational
  • Pupil followed the job for this assignment. They included iii unlike forms of irony, and correctly explained them.

    Student has two forms of irony displayed and correctly explained.

    Educatee only has two or iii types displayed, but not correctly supported

    Work attempts to show irony however, it'due south unclear or only presents 1 type.

    Provides Irony Using Straight Quotes

    The student has clearly provided the reader with three dissimilar examples of irony and they are clearly explained in an exemplary manner.

    Pupil clearly provided the reader with two examples of irony. However, the examples may not be exemplary.

    Student has identified one or two weak example of irony.

    Student has not identified irony in the story through utilise of direct quotations.

    Understand the Effect of Irony Through caption

    Student has provided a clear example of the effect of all three types of irony and explained in great detail.

    Educatee has provided explanations of the issue of the irony for ii or iii examples of irony in sufficient item.

    Student has attempted to provide an explanation of the consequence of one or two example(southward) of irony in limited detail.

    Student did not provide any explanations of irony from the reading.

    Overall Presentation:

  • Grammar
  • Mechanics
  • Correctness
  • Appeal
  • Student has no errors and the piece of work is commendable.

    Student has very few errors. Expert effort has been displayed.

    Student has some mechanical bug; piddling endeavour is shown; somewhat appealing; partially incomplete.

    Educatee has grammar, mechanic or correctness bug that prohibit the understanding of Irony; or incomplete; visually unappealing.

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