What Events Occur During Interphase
Basic Cytogenetics and the Function of Genetics in Cancer Development
Marluce Bibbo MD ScD FIAC FASCP , in Comprehensive Cytopathology , 2015
The Interphase
The interphase is the period when the prison cell is in a non-dividing state and this tin can be in unlike stages: the first gap (G1) between the last mitosis and the S stage (phase of DNA synthesis) and the second gap (G2) between the completion of the Southward phase and the next mitosis (M). The mitotic sectionalisation occupies only a short time in the cell cycle. If the cell reaches its ultimate stage of differentiation and will not divide anymore, the cell is said to be in phase G0 of the cycle. G0 applies also for the cells that take temporarily stopped dividing ( Fig. 2-1).
During the G1 phase, the jail cell is metabolically agile and requires many organelles for poly peptide synthesis, while acquiring the potential for the Deoxyribonucleic acid doubling procedure. The duration of the entire bike depends on the fourth dimension of the G1 phase, which varies according to different weather condition and tissue types. The G1 stage may terminal from merely a few hours to weeks or months, depending on the mitotic rate of the tissue. The phase of DNA synthesis (chromosome replication) has a duration of approximately 8 hours. The replication is not homogeneous throughout the genome, and asynchronism of replication occurs, especially in the synthesis of the heterochromatin composing the inactivated X chromosome.
DNA replication is achieved when all the chromosomes are duplicated in ii identical sister chromatids with the upshot that the full corporeality of Deoxyribonucleic acid is at present doubled if compared with the normal iinorth value of the interphase nucleus. The following phase, G2, takes about 4 hours and accumulates the cytoplasmic organelles necessary to complete the mitosis.
This step-by-step progression is controlled by a serial of checkpoints which stop the procedure if the previous phase is not achieved. Different proteins act sequentially on the cell wheel; the cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs), the cyclins, and the CDK inhibitors (CKIs).
Activation of kinases by cyclins positively regulates the bike by allowing the cell to enter the successive phases. If the quality of Dna synthesis is impaired, CKIs would automatically stop the process and bulldoze the cell to apoptosis.
Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion and Lithium Metal Batteries
Hao Jia , ... Wu Xu , in Encyclopedia of Free energy Storage, 2022
How does electrolyte influence the formation and evolution of SEI?
Since the SEI originates from the interaction between the electrode and the electrolyte, the composition and the microscopic solvation construction of the electrolytes are predominant factors over the limerick, structure and consequently the properties of the SEI. The SEI formation processes on Gr electrode and Li electrode are different from each other. Fig. 1 schematically illustrates the AEI germination processes on Li and Gr electrodes. Non-lithiated Gr is a chemically stable compound that is non-reactive with the electrolyte. Therefore, the germination of AEI exclusively originates from the electrochemical decomposition of the electrolyte (Wu et al., 2021). In comparing, the germination of AEI on Li tin be divided into two consecutive steps: (1) spontaneous chemical reaction between electrolyte and Li metal upon immediate contact and (2) electrochemical reduction of the electrolyte in the germination cycles (Wu et al., 2021).
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of SEI formation process on (A) Gr and (B) Li electrodes
Reproduced with permission Wu H, Jia H, Wang C, Zhang JG and Xu Due west (2021) Recent progress in understanding solid electrolyte interphase on lithium metal anodes, Advanced Energy Materials 11: 2003092. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH GmbH.Read full chapter
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A Survey of Jail cell Biology
James R. Aist , in International Review of Cytology, 2002
A Interphase
Interphase nuclei of Fusarium spp. are fairly typical of those of the filamentous fungi, with the exception that all the major nuclear components are clearly visible in vivo (Fig. i). At that place is a nuclear envelope composed of two unit membranes with nuclear pores, and the SPB is attached to the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear envelope (Fig. 2). In chemically fixed cells, the SPB has a diffuse, fluffy advent (Aist and Williams, 1972), whereas the SPB appears as a dense, multilayered, flat wafer in freeze-substituted cells (Fig. 2). Typically, there are several cytoplasmic MTs in shut proximity to the interphase SPBs (Fig. 2), and these MTs are ordinarily non in the typical astral configuration that is seen during mitosis. Inside the nucleus is a well-defined nucleolus (Fig. ane).
fig. 1. A stage-dissimilarity, time-lapse series (a–d) of video micrographs showing move of an SPB at interphase in Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi. NE, nuclear envelope; Nu, nucleolus. Elapsed time (in seconds) is shown in the lower right corner of each panel. The position of the SPB is indicated past white arrowheads. Scale bar-v μgrand.
(from Inoue et al., 1998a; adjusted with permission from Company of Biologists Ltd.)
Fig. 2. A transmission electron micrograph of a sparse section through a portion of an interphase nucleus (N) in a cell of Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi that was prepared by freeze exchange.Within the nucleus and subjacent to the nuclear envelope (NE) at the spindle pole trunk (SPB) is an aggregating of fibrillogranular material composed of heterochromatin and, possibly, kinetochores. Several cytoplasmic microtubules (CMT) are associated with the SPB, which has a layered advent. Scale bar-1 μm.
An accumulation of heterochromatin is fastened to the nuclear face of the nuclear envelope subjacent to the SPB (Fig. 2). Based on circumstantial evidence (Aist and Williams, 1972), this heterochromatin has been proposed to include the kinetochores of the interphase chromosomes in Fusarium oxysporum, providing a connection betwixt the chromosomes and the SPB throughout interphase, when the chromosomes are not joined to the SPB by kinetochore MTs of the mitotic spindle. In that location is more direct and recent evidence for such an interphase arrangement in yeasts (Funabiki et al., 1993; Jin et al., 2000; O'Toole et al., 1999). Although Harper (1905) documented the attachments of interphase chromosomes to the SPB in filamentous fungi almost a century ago and commencement proposed the concept that fungal chromosomes are attached to the SPB, directly or indirectly (i.e., via kinetochore MTs), during the entire fungal life bike, the biological significance of these attachments is even so a affair of speculation. Helpful discussions of progress in the documentation and agreement of this intriguing phenomenon can be found in Aist and Williams (1972), Girbardt (1971), and Jin et al. (2000).
Past use of phase-dissimilarity or differential interference-contrast optics, the SPB tin be visualized easily in living cells of Fusarium spp. without the aid and potential pitfalls of a fluorescent label such as green fluorescent protein (GFP) (Fernandez-Abalos, 1998; Xiang et al., 2000). The SPBs are in near constant motion during interphase (Fig. 1; Inoue et al., 1998a). Move of the SPB may indent or extend the nuclear envelope momentarily, and nuclei may be translocated a short distance when the SPB pulls momentarily on the nuclear envelope. Long-distance migration of interphase, hyphal nuclei of Fusarium spp. appears to be less mutual than in other filamentous fungi, in which the SPB has been seen to lead the migrating nucleus and pull it to a new position in the cell (Wilson and Aist, 1967). In improver to its office in nuclear motility (discussed in more particular in Department 2.F), the SPB of F. solani f. sp. pisi tin also serve as an anchor to hold the interphase nucleus in place: When the nucleolus was pulled strongly by a laser trap, the SPB obviously resisted the pulling force and kept the nucleus shut to its original position in the hypha (Berns et al., 1992). Moreover, when interphase astral MTs were prevented from forming—past disrupting the cistron encoding cytoplasmic dynein—the SPBs lost the ability to resist the pull of a laser trap (Inoue et al., 1998a). This event demonstrated a role for astral MTs in the anchoring of interphase nuclei by their SPBs. The roles of SPBs and MTs in nuclear movement of filamentous fungi were reviewed in more particular by Aist (1995).
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Handbook of Immunohistochemistry and in situ Hybridization of Homo Carcinomas, Volume 4
Ngan F. Huang , ... Sunny Luke , in Handbook of Immunohistochemistry and in Situ Hybridization of Human Carcinomas, 2006
Specimen Preparation
Interphase cytogenetic analysis with FISH can exist successfully carried out with all forms of ovarian tissue preparations, including imprint preparation, single-jail cell suspensions obtained from solid tumors, frozen sections, FFPE, and cytospin preparations of effusions, and peritoneal fluids. Considering frozen sections and paraffin sections are standard practice in most pathology laboratories, the FISH protocol will exist limited to these ii types of specimens. For alkane-embedded tissue sections, deparaffinization should exist carried out in xylene followed past dehydration in ethanol series before pretreatment ( Huang et al., 2002).
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Interchromosomal interactions with meaning for affliction
Anja Weise , Thomas Liehr , in Cytogenomics, 2021
Interphase architecture is a cytogenomic field which acquired more and more attentions during last years. Technically, this field may be approached by high-throughput chromosome conformation capture methods, such every bit Howdy-C in millions of cells at a time, or may be studied at the single prison cell level by imaging-based techniques. Intrachromosomal and interchromosomal interactions were uncovered during such studies. In this chapter, we focus on interchromosomal interactions, which can presently be best studied using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). The advantages and possible results are highlighted by two examples: (1) In os marrow cells of healthy persons it has been shown a bone marrow specific colocalization of chromosomes eight and 21, and specifically of chromosomal subbands 8q22 and 21q22; the well-known translocation t(8;21)(q22;q22) in acute leukemia could exist an unintended past production of a yet non understood necessary interchromosomal interaction. (2) Also, interchromosomal interactions between chromosomes 2q, 12, and 17 in human mesenchymal stem cells could be shown to be necessary to avoid brachydactyly mental retardation syndrome. Overall, interphase architecture still hides a multitude of secrets and near future will definitely bring out exciting new insights in interchromosomal interactions with meaning for human diseases.
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Interphases for Alkaline Anodes
Peng Bai , in Encyclopedia of Energy Storage, 2022
SEI heterogeneities in the lateral direction
Characterizing SEI at the atomic scale with traditional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has proven difficult, since the stiff electron beam used for high-resolution TEM hands burns out the subtleties of the vulnerable Li deposits and SEI layers. Cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM), however, can avoid this beam damage by keeping the Li sample at an extremely low temperature (Li et al., 2017, 2018). As shown in Fig. 4A , for whiskers grown in the standard ethylene carbonate-diethyl carbonate (EC-Dec) electrolyte, the Li metal surface is covered by a continuous amorphous film, with Li2COiii and Li2O particles dispersed throughout. It is the beginning slice of evidence showing that the innermost layer of SEI could have an amorphous component, revising the traditional agreement of an inorganic inner layer every bit depicted in Fig. 2A. These ceramic particles serve as ionic "highways" that can enable faster local dissolution during Li stripping, resulting in the formation of electronically disconnected "dead" Li particles. For Li whiskers grown in an electrolyte modified with fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC), the innermost baggy layer can extend much wider. No particles of inorganic Li compound were found within that amorphous layer across the entire width of the cryo-EM paradigm. The compatible baggy layer ensures much uniform dissolution during Li stripping, yielding a boost of cycling efficiency from 88% to 96% (Li et al., 2018).
Fig. 4. LEFT: Cryo-TEM images and schematics revealing the SEI structures on Li whiskers: (C) mosaic-type microstructure versus (D) multi-layered structure. Right: Topological and stage images of Li metallic surfaces immersed in (A) 1 M LiTFSI electrolyte, and (B) the bare control solvent for 5 h. The added numbers are lengths in μm for the labeled distances between the isolated domains.
(C and D) Adapted from Li Y, Huang Westward, Li Y, Pei A, Boyle DT and Cui Y (2018) Correlating structure and function of battery interphases at atomic resolution using cryoelectron microscopy. Joule 2: 2167–2177. Copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier. (A and B) Adapted from Xiong S, Xie Chiliad, Diao Y and Hong X (2012) Properties of surface film on lithium anode with LiNO iii as lithium salt in electrolyte solution for lithium-sulfur batteries. Electrochimica Acta 83: 78–86. Copyright (2012), with permission from Elsevier.While the distribution of inorganic domains in SEI is important, research on the microstructural heterogeneities in the lateral direction nevertheless at the mesoscale is quite limited, largely due to the spatial resolution limits of available characterization tools. Recently, phase images of SEI formed in Li electrolytes showed periodic patterns Fig. 4C and D, while the corresponding topological images showed surprisingly little height variance (Xiong et al., 2012). Using elemental analysis, the periodic patterns in the stage images were attributed to alternate soft (organic) and strong (inorganic) SEI components (Xiong et al., 2012, 2014). Here, we labeled the typical spacing between isolated inorganic SEI domains in the phase images. The distances, in the range of a few microns, appear consistent with the widths of typical Li whiskers observed in ether-based electrolytes. Combining the discoveries from cryo-EM, this coincidence suggests that the initial protrusion of Li whiskers (Kushima et al., 2017) may have been dominated by the heterogeneous pattern of the SEI in the lateral management: a few nearby inorganic domains with high ionic conductivity class an effective orifice on the electrode surface, within which incoming Li ions become reduced and quickly accumulate to push up the soft organic film covering the orifice.
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Basic Cytogenetics and the Role of Genetics in Cancer Evolution
Alain Verhest , Pierre Heimann , in Comprehensive Cytopathology (Third Edition), 2008
FISH Strategy
Interphase FISH requires uncomplicated material such equally cytospins from FNA specimens. Cytospin is an optimal preparation for I-FISH considering the monolayer allows excellent hybridization results. Cytospin grooming tin can exist made by Ficoll-Hypaque gradient-separation technique and so fixed in methanol-glacial acetic acid (3:1) for 20 minutes at −20°C. The slides will exist then air-dried and stored at −20°C prior current FISH process. Specimen handling is thus very elementary, but it is critical to avert delays in specimen processing in order to foreclose possible degradation of the target DNA and subsequent poor hybridization results. 67 Subsequent FISH steps can be then easily performed without farther manipulation of the samples, with the use of commercially available kit sets including the premixed probes, and according to the protocol recommended by the manufacturer. At least, 200 nonoverlapping and intact nuclei per case and at least two dissimilar areas on the aforementioned slide should be scored before giving a result. The great advantage of working on an interphase cell can nevertheless be a source of interpretative pitfalls in that random chromosome colocalizations occur not infrequently in normal nuclei and can mimic chromosomal translocations. Although most of the commercial probes have been designed to limit the risk of false-positive profiles, it remains disquisitional to determine the frequency of such simulated-positive cells in guild to ascertain a cutoff level. Normal lymphocyte nuclei can be used equally negative control to assess hybridization efficiency, and the cutoff level for positivity should be ready at the mean (%) ± 3 standard deviations. Beside this pitfall, other good practice recommendations are needed and must exist known by the user. Such guidelines are detailed in an excellent overview recently published that we highly recommend to the reader. 68
The commercial probes are usually several hundred kilobases in length and yield large, bright and easily detectable signals. They are currently available to detect many of the relevant chromosomal abnormalities described in the previous section and are known to be highly sensitive. 69 For detection of chromosomal translocations, three different kinds of probes are available, including the dual-fusion probes, the single-fusion extra-indicate probes, and the intermission-apart probes, all existence dual-color probes (Figs 2.17A and 2.17B). Dual-fusion and extra-betoken probe sets are made of two differentially labeled (dark-green and crimson) Dna segments, each of these segments identifying one of the chromosomal loci involved in the translocation. For the dual-fusion probes, an abnormal pattern will be represented by one red and 1 green signal (representing the normal homolog) and by two fusion or colocalization signals corresponding to the chromosomal translocation and its reciprocal ("2F,1R,1G" pattern). Typical examples are probes designed to detect lymphoma-associated chimeric genes subjacent to translocation such as the BCL2-IgH or BCL1-IgH in follicular or pall cell lymphoma, respectively (Fig. 2.eighteenA). Such probes make it possible to significantly reduce the risk of fake positives as the possibility that two overlapping signals are due to random spatial proximity of the participating chromosomal loci remains very low. The abnormal design for extra-signal translocation probes volition be represented by a single fusion (corresponding to one derivative chromosome) plus a small extra signal representing the rest portion of one of the loci involved in the translocation. Once more, the probability that such blueprint is observed in a normal nucleus is very low. A well-known example is the probe used to detect the BCR-ABL chimeric gene in chronic myeloid leukemia. Such a probe has non been designed for detection of recurrent chromosomal translocations in lymphoma or sarcoma and will not exist illustrated here. Dual-color pause-apart probes are fabricated of differentially labeled (green and red) Deoxyribonucleic acid segments located on either side of a breakpoint cluster region within a target cistron. The separation of green and red signals indicates break between the 5′ and iii′ regions of the rearranged gene. In normal cells, the two probes colocalize to produce 2 yellow fusion signals (corresponding to ii copies of nonrearranged genes), whereas in the case of translocation involving ane of the ii genes, one of the fusion signal splits, resulting in a feature 1 red–ane green–ane xanthous fusion ("1R1G1F") signal design. The break-apart strategy offers the reward of detecting in a single experiment all recurrent rearrangement of a gene involved in translocations with different cistron partners. A typical example is the EWSR1 gene which tin fuse with no less than ix different gene partners (Fig. 2.18B).
Interphase FISH is likewise able to identify submicroscopic chromosomal deletions as well as numerical chromosomal abnormalities such equally trisomy or monosomy. The probes used to find unabridged chromosomal gains or losses are juxtacentromeric alphoid DNA sequences while submicroscopic deletions will be identified with locus-specific probes. To ensure the quality of hybridization (mainly the hybridization properties of the tumor cells being analyzed), a control probe, labeled with a unlike fluorophore and identifying any other chromosome, will be cohybridized with the probe of involvement. For detection of microdeletion, the control probe will as well serve to identify the chromosome harboring the deleted region. Examples are trisomy 3 (Fig. two.19) and deletion of chromosome 7q in marginal zone lymphoma.
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Reconstituting the Cytoskeleton
Christine M. Field , ... Timothy J. Mitchison , in Methods in Enzymology, 2014
2.half-dozen.four Specimen preparation
For interphase aster imaging experiments, we add fluorescent probes and mix well before adding Ca 2 +. After calcium addition, extract is preincubated for 2–20 min at 20 °C with occasional flicking of the tube to allow progression to interphase and prevent gelation-contraction afterwards making a squash. We then add together permeabilized sperm (Desai et al., 1999), centrosomes, or artificial centrosomes made by coating Dynabeads with activating antibody to AurkA (Tsai & Zheng, 2005). The sample is mixed well and squashed (4–5 μl) between 2 passivated cover slips (lesser: 22 × 22 mm, tiptop: 18 × 18 mm) for imaging. Gelation-contraction makes imaging Thousand-phase excerpt difficult. One arroyo is to brand a thin squash (1–2 μl) between uncoated cover slips, which physically blocks contraction.
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Impacts of Interfaces, Interphases, and Defects in Bombardment Electrodes
Chaofeng Liu , Guozhong Cao , in Encyclopedia of Energy Storage, 2022
Interfaces and interphases formation in rechargeable batteries
Typically, interphases are formed either in the first few cycles or introduced by pretreatment on the surface of electrodes. The solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) is designed to mitigate the side reactions between electrode materials and electrolyte, specially in the case of Li-ion battery anode materials. Since graphite and other anode materials autumn outside the stability window of today'due south state-of-the-fine art not-aqueous electrolytes, the SEI produced during formation cycling initially reduces the amount of active Li, but increases the free energy and Coulombic efficiencies as well every bit the safety of batteries in the longer term. Across this, interfaces influence the wettability and compatibility of the battery components. Regulating the surface energy of the components tin finer change their chemical activity or stability to broaden their electrochemical applications.
The distinction between liquid (electrolyte) and solid-state batteries comes from the interfaces amidst their components. Solid-liquid interfaces determine the functioning of batteries using liquid electrolytes. Wettability and chemical stability betwixt the electrode and electrolyte becomes the of import factors before batteries assembly (Fig. iiA ). In the solid-country batteries, solid-solid interfaces determine ion exchange during battery functioning. Lattice mismatch and chemical compatibility impact the power performance and lifespan of the battery (Fig. 2B). Interfaces and interphases are essential in bombardment design and fabrication, while battery safety depends on the electrochemical compatibility between the electrolyte-cathode and the electrolyte-anode interfaces and thermal stability of individual components. Therefore, in the liquid batteries, the chemic potential of the cathode should sits higher than the highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMO) of the liquid electrolyte (Goodenough and Park, 2013) (Fig. 2C), otherwise an SEI, which in this instance is also known equally the cathode electrolyte interphase (CEI), volition be formed on the cathode surface by the oxidized electrolyte because electrons from the electrolyte are injected into the 3d orbitals of redox-active cations in the cathode, typically a transition element oxide. On the anode side, its chemical potential should be lower than the lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMO) of the liquid electrolyte (Fig. 2C). This prevents the anode from reducing the electrolyte. Nevertheless, the chemical potentials of lithium metal and graphite are higher than the LUMO of the carbonate-based electrolytes and issue in the reduction of solvents and decomposition of lithium salt in nonaqueous Li-ion batteries. The SEI film formed on the surface of the anode is also called the anode electrolyte interphases (AEI) to distinguish it from the CEI.
Fig. 2. Interfaces in (A) liquid and (B) solid-state batteries. Solid-liquid interfaces decide ion migration and electron transfer in a liquid electrolyte battery. Solid-solid interfaces in SSBs determine the bombardment operation. The chemical compatibility between the SSE and electrode materials is more difficult to manipulate. Schematics of the relationship between chemic potentials amid active components in (C) liquid and (D) solid-state batteries. In principle, the chemical potentials of the cathode and the anode should be positioned within the gap between the HOMO and LUMO of the liquid electrolyte or the gap of VB and CB in a SSE, which ensures no side reactions happen betwixt the electrolyte and the electrode materials.
In a solid state battery (SSB), the human relationship between the chemical potentials of the solid state electrolyte (SSE) and the cathode and the anode should too obey these guidelines. Unlike the liquid electrolyte, the working voltage window of the SSE is defined by the gap betwixt the valence ring (VB) and the conduction ring (CB) (Fig. 2D) of the solid electrolyte. From the viewpoint of solid state physics, the overlap of molecule orbitals forms the VB and CB when the molecules stack periodically to construct a solid material. The aforementioned chemic principles apply otherwise. As shown in Fig. 2D, the chemical potential of the anode should be lower than the CB of the SSE, otherwise the electrons volition be injected into the CB and reduce the SSE. At the cathode, its chemic potential must be higher than the position of VB, otherwise the SSE will lose electrons and trigger side reactions with the cathode. The side reactions betwixt the SSE and the cathode or the anode may produce some interphases (impurities) or ions exchange at the interfaces, which causes mismatch betwixt the crystal lattices, and even course cracks in the battery.
Typically, the interphases formed in either liquid or solid-state battery, are ionic conductors but electrical insulators. In liquid-electrolyte batteries, an SEI volition inhibit direct contact between the liquid electrolyte and electrode materials, and prevent further side reactions. Because the corporeality of liquid electrolyte is rigorously controlled, the consumption of electrolyte by the formation of SEI will decrease the practical capacity and energy density. A thinner and denser SEI is preferred when it is unavoidable. The solvents and salts in the liquid electrolyte too impact the compositions of the SEI and by extension, the battery performance. The situation in SSB is maybe more than complex considering the interphases could be ionic and electric insulators, which effect in higher resistances or even crystal lattice baloney between the deviation phases, and causes the battery to breakup. In literature, CEI and AEI, as mentioned higher up, are sometimes used to draw the SEI on the cathode and the anode, respectively, merely we adopt the term "SEI" in this review to avoid defoliation.
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Nuclear Pore Complexes and Nucleocytoplasmic Send - Methods
Kazuhiro Maeshima , ... Naoko Imamoto , in Methods in Cell Biology, 2014
Interphase NPC assembly
During interphase, the number of NPCs on the nuclear surface doubles in grooming for reentry into side by side mitosis ( Imamoto & Funakoshi, 2012; Maul et al., 1972; Fig. 11.1A ). This procedure, that involves the assembly of NPCs into an intact NE (as well termed de novo NPC associates), also occurs in some nondividing vertebrate cells, such as in oogenesis, and is the unique fashion of pore assembly in organisms with closed mitosis such as budding and fission yeasts (reviewed in Doucet & Hetzer, 2010). Withal, as its study required the development of specific assays, less is so far known about the mechanism of interphase NPC formation than nearly postmitotic processes.
Effigy 11.1. Prison cell-fusion and Photobleaching Methods for the Visualization of Interphase NPC Assembly
(A) The number of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) most double during interphase in dividing cells. (B) Schematic representation of the jail cell-fusion method. HeLa cells expressing Venus–Nup are used as donor cells, and HeLa cells expressing CFP–H2B are used as acceptor cells (superlative). G1-synchronized donor and acceptor cells are treated with polyethylene glycol (PEG) to make heterokaryons (center). Sixteen to eighteen hours later on, new Venus–Nup-labeled NPCs should appear on the acceptor nucleus (bottom right), which has the brighter CFP–H2B signal. (C) The photobleaching method. Nuclear surface regions in G1-phase cells expressing Venus–Nup (top) are photobleached by a 488 nm laser (middle). At xvi h after bleaching, new Venus–Nup-labeled NPCs appear in the bleached areas, representing newly synthesized NPCs (bottom).
To study interphase NPC formation, one must quantify the newly assembled (nascent) NPCs on the nuclear surface. While approaches to examine interphase NPC associates have been adult using in vitro nuclear reconstitution assays based on Xenopus egg extracts (reviewed in Doucet & Hetzer, 2010), studies of this process in mammalian cells are nevertheless limited: the current approaches notably involve (i) comparisons of NPC levels, based on total fluorescence intensity at the NE in G1 versus G2 in synchronized cells (Doucet, Talamas, & Hetzer, 2010), (ii) high-resolution live-cell imaging in jail cell lines stably expressing GFP–Nups that enabled the observation of new NPC assembly events at previously pore-complimentary sites (Dultz & Ellenberg, 2010), or (iii) simultaneous localization of ii distinct Nups at the NE surface in fixed or live cells that notably revealed the earlier recruitment of Pom121 as compared to Nup107 in interphase NPC assembly (Doucet et al., 2010; Dultz & Ellenberg, 2010).
However, the counting of NPCs, even when semiautomatized (Dultz & Ellenberg, 2010), proved laborious and the resolution of low-cal microscopy is insufficient to distinguish between adjacent NPCs. In improver, increase in the nuclear surface area every bit the cell wheel progressed besides affects the NPC density, thus complicating the assay (Dultz & Ellenberg, 2010). The presence of pore-free islands within the NE in early G1 cells of man dividing cells may also potentially innovate bias in these analyses (Maeshima et al., 2006).
As an culling approach to directly visualize nascent NPCs on the nuclear surfaces during interphase, we have used a photobleaching approach (FRAP, Figs. 11.1C and 11.4) (Iino et al., 2010; Maeshima et al., 2010) and also developed a new method based on the jail cell-fusion technique (Figs. xi.aneB, 11.2, and eleven.3; Maeshima et al., 2010, 2011; Funakoshi et al., 2011).
Figure xi.two. Visualization of New NPC Formation past Cell-fusion Method
(A) A simplified scheme of jail cell-fusion methods. (B) Immediately later on fusion (0 h), donor nuclei from Nup133–Venus-expressing cells brandish many bright fluorescent dots representing NPCs, whereas no detectable dots are observed on the acceptor nuclei from CFP–H2B-expressing cells. (C) The Venus fluorescent signals in acceptor nuclei increase in fourth dimension-dependent manner (4, 8, 12, and 18 h). In the centre view (2d row), the relative mean intensity (acceptor rim/donor rim) is shown in the brackets on the image. In the surface view (3rd row), the number in the brackets is dot density on the nuclear surface. Calibration bar, x μm.
The images were reproduced from Maeshima et al. (2010), with permission.
Figure 11.3. Combining siRNA Treatment and Cell-fusion Method Reveals the Implication of Pom121 in Interphase NPC Assembly
(A) Schematic representation of the interphase NPC assembly method combined with siRNA treatment. (B) Effect of Pom121 depletion (Pom121KD) on interphase NPC assembly. Arrowheads indicate acceptor nuclei in heterokaryons. At 16-h postfusion (16 h, panels 7–12), a articulate nuclear rim signal is observed with Venus–Nup107 on the acceptor nuclei of control heterokaryons (panel 7) that are also strongly labeled with the anti-Pom121 antibody (panel 9). In contrast, a very low Venus–Nup107 signal is observed on the acceptor Pom121 KD nuclei (panels 10–12). Scale bar, x μm. (C) Quantification results of fluorescence intensities of Pom121 and Venus–Nup107 at the nuclear rim of nuclei in heterokaryons. Fluorescent intensities of Venus–Nup107 (graphs b, d), or Pom121 detected by immunofluorescence staining (a, c) at the rim of nuclei derived from acceptor nuclei (a, b) and donor nuclei (c, d) in cells with or without Pom121 KD were measured. Hateful values were plotted and standard deviations are shown as relative percentages to the level of the Pom121 KD(−) at time = 0 (marked with asterisks in graphs). Pom121 KD(−): due north = 4 (0 h), north = 22 (16 h). Pom121 KD(+): n = ix (0 h), due north = 32 (16 h).
The schematic and images were reproduced from Funakoshi, Clever, Watanabe, and Imamoto (2011), with permission.Read full chapter
What Events Occur During Interphase,
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